We offer three database options for toy libraries. If you are using current desktop or online software to manage your loans, transaction histories, volunteer/roster histories, toys and members and want all of this information preserved we recommend requesting a full database conversion by us. This means all toys currently on loan/in library, members, completed volunteering duties, transaction histories etc, are integrated into the system at your first session using SETLS. It is also useful from a data analysis point of view to look at and compare membership and other trends from your toy library over time. We have dealt with processing and importing data from many different systems .
For toy libraries who are coming from a paper based system (or cards) but would like to have all their toys and members imported into the system by us we require a spreadsheet of this data to import into the system (see our templates below). Some toy libraries
who have existing digital data (from another database system) may choose to only move across their toys+members data (as this is the lower cost option) also.
The blank database option means that toy library admins/volunteers will be entering toy and member data themselves.