SeTLS runs on a web server provided by Amazon (Amazon Web Services) hosted at the AWS data centre in Sydney, Australia. We help you select a subdomain (e.g. yoursite.SeTLS) and preferred domain suffix (select from,, or .com), and create you a site where members and administrators can login and operate the service. Each user gets their own login, for optimum security.
SeTLS is built using Ruby on Rails. It aims to be a great peice of software, where users operate the least clicks to get where they want to get easily and obtain the most functionality.
We are actively developing and updating SeTLS frequently for maintenance and overall improvement and are open to incorportating your suggestions. We charge for development custom to your needs so please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Sample Toy Library has been set up for you to play with. Email to get an administrator level password and login. It contains real (but de-identified) toy library data, so you can try all the functions as you would in your own toy library.
Whether paid staff or volunteer committee, SeTLS will save you precious time and will provide you with essential tools to successfully manage your toy library.
SeTLS will provide the basics for toy library administrators such as lists of members, a well catalogued inventory of toys, toy loan availability, roster management and reservations.
SeTLS has customisable login levels with abilities which can be switched "on" or "off", to help get the most out of your volunteers. For example, admins can create a login level where that user can loan and return toys, but can't add new members or view more detailed information about members. Or, a login level where they can view statistics and add new toys only.
Your members are most likely busy, sleep deprived parents and caregivers - SeTLS makes life easier for them, with a simple online sign up process, online access to their own accounts so they can view their toys on loan, renew toys, book volunteering commitments, all from the comfort of their own home, or on the go.
SeTLS is designed to be compatible with mobile internet access and hence can be used by members on any device including smartphones.
Good statistics require clean data. In SeTLS, the admin user is encouraged to keep clean data by the way data entry occurs.
Dropdown lists are used to keep data consistent - this helps reduce the potential for duplication of, for example, "West Brunswick", "Brunswick West" and "Brunswik West" (sic) as suburbs. The drop-down list data comes from a table, which can be easily updated by the admin user.
The integration of easy to use and access statistics in SeTLS will help inform smart toy library decisions such as increasing your membership base, purchasing popular toys, predicting busy periods for scheduling of volunteers.
Software can be complicated! We try to be as supportive as possible and offer the following: